@Article{ SALAS_GORRIZ_RAMÍREZ_Alvarez_PADILLA_Martínez_Lang-:391-402,
author = { DIEGO SALAS GONZÁLEZ and JUAN MANUEL GORRIZ SAEZ and JAVIER RAMÍREZ PÉREZ DE INESTROSA and Ignacio Alvarez Illan and PABLO PADILLA DE LA TORRE and Francisco Jesús Martínez Murcia and Elmar Lang- } ,
title = { Building a FP-CIT SPECT Brain Template Using a Posterization Approach },
journal = { Neuroinformatics },
year = { 2015 },
volume = { 13 },
pages = { 391-402 },
doi = { http://doi.org/10.1007/s12021-015-9262-9 },